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Train To Be an Instructor

We are approved members of the ORDIT register. Very competitive rates. Your role of a Driving Instructor is essential to road safety in the UK, so you will need the best training possible. The ORDIT register shows we have gained recognition from the government department of the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA)


We are on the ORDIT register

The ORDIT Register is a list of establishments that following inspection by the Driving Standards Agency, have satisfied the criteria concerning their training methods, premises and vehicles. Most companies that offer Instructor Training are not on this register, so please check before booking or handing any money over.

As well as having been officially approved by the D.V.S.A. we abide by and display the ORDIT Code of Conduct, which is specifically formulated to ensure you receive fair and professional service.

The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency have produced an information pack called the ADI 14 'Your road to becoming an Approved Driving Instructor (Car)'. The pack also contains a guide to ORDIT approved training establishments and trainers.

The ADI 14 gives excellent advice about what you should look for in a training course and asks you to consider certain questions. We are here to help answer those questions and give you the best advice available based on our up to date knowledge and experience.


Your Training Explained

For you to gain entry onto the Register of Approved Driving Instructors you need to pass a qualifying exam comprising three separate parts, taken on three separate occasions. You are allowed as many attempts at part 1 as you need but are limited to three attempts each at parts 2 and 3. There is a two-year time limit to qualifying after passing part 1.

Your training will only be as good as your trainer can provide. So choose a quality training provider.

Is your trainer up to date? Has your trainer been examined to check that they are providing adequate training?

Is your training establishment on the ORDIT Register? With Jowetts Driver Training @ Jowetts Centre, you can be sure that the training you will receive has been inspected and seen to be suitable to meet your needs. Training is inspected every two years.

Remember we are members of ORDIT.

Part 1 - Theory Training

We offer any advice and assistance required to help you prepare for the part 1 Theory and Hazard Perception test.

You can start your training for part 2 while studying for part 1.

Part 2 - Driving Ability

We will provide upto 20 hours in-car training (in our car) on a one to one basis. (When you train with us any unused part 2 hours will be added to your part 3 training. So if you only need 6 hours to pass the part 2, you will receive 54 hours at part 3.

Our trainers have been examined and approved by the D.V.S.A. to give advanced driver training. In-car sessions will last for a minimum of two hours and can be arranged to suit your availability. Mock tests will be held prior to your official D.V.S.A. test.

Part 3 - Instructional Ability

This part of your training is based on role-play. Your D.V.S.A. ORDIT approved trainer will play various pupil types with different levels of ability. The standard you need to attain to pass this test is very high. Our trainers have been examined and registered with ORDIT to give this type of role-play training.You will be given 40 hours (plus any unused hours from part 2) in-car training covering the syllabus set out in the ADI 14. This training will also be carried out on a one to one basis.

More information on all three parts of the qualifying exam can be found in the ADI 14.

Why not give us a call on 07720 614924 and one of our friendly staff will be pleased to answer any questions you may have about the ADI qualifiying examinations and our courses. Please see the contact page for more ways to contact us.

Brief details of the qualifying exam are as follows:


Part 1 is a theory test. The test is taken on a touch screen computer and consists of 100 questions. For each question there is a choice of four answers. Only one of these answers will be correct. Your test will include any or all of the following subject groups which have been banded into four main areas shown below :

  1. Road procedure.
  2. Traffic signs and signals, car control, pedestrians and mechanical knowledge.
  3. Driving Test, disabilities and law.
  4. Publications and Instructional techniques.

You must also pass a hazard perception test. Pass marks for the theory and hazard perception test can be found on the enclosed information sheet and in the ADI 14. Your results are usually given before you leave the test centre along with an application form for part 2.

Details of test centre locations are included in the ADI 14.


Part 2 is a test of eyesight and driving ability. You must be able to read a car number plate at a distance of 90 feet where the letters are 79.4mm tall (with the aid of glasses or contact lenses if worn). This is an advanced driving test, which lasts about 1 hour where a very high standard of driving is required. To pass you must demonstrate you can put into practice the principles involved in safe driving covered in the theory test.

You will be examined on topics such as correct road procedure, anticipation and appropriate actions, consideration of other road users, correct use and judgement of speed and of course expert handling of all of the controls. You will also be asked to carry out a variety of manoeuvres including the new Independent Drive.

You must provide a suitable car for the test. (We provide the car when you train with us).

This test will be held at selected test centres across the country. Details are on the application form.

The examiner will give you your result at the end of your test.

You can find more information on this test and the requirements of the test vehicle in the ADI 14.

Part 3

The third part of the qualifying exam is a test of instructional ability. The object of this test is to assess your ability to pass on your skills and knowledge to your pupils. The test is based on role-play and held in two parts. You must pass both parts on the same test..

The Senior Examiner (ADI) will play two different pupils, the first a beginner, the second, a more experienced driver. You are required to give each of these pupils a driving lesson that lasts about half-an-hour. The topic for each lesson will be chosen by the examiner and made clear to you at the start of each lesson.

You will have to match your instruction to the level of the pupil.

You will be assessed on the method, clarity, adequacy and correctness of instruction given. How you deal with faults committed by the pupil will also be assessed. You will be expected to maintain control of the lesson using your skills of observation, analysis and remedial action.

The results of your test will be given to you at the end of the test before you leave the test centre.

Tests are conducted at selected test centres across the country.

You must provide a suitable car for the test (We provide the car if you train with us)