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What is ORDIT?

ORDIT is the Official Register of Driving Instructor Training. Any training establishment displaying the ORDIT badge has had their premises, vehicles, training methods and trainers examined and approved by a supervising driving examiner (SEADI)

What are the minimum requirements to start training to be an instructor?

You must be at least 21 years old and have held a full driving licence for at least 4 years. You should not have more than 6 points on licence at present. You must be a fit and proper person for entry onto the Register of Approved Driving Instructors. The D.V.S.A. will take into account any criminal convictions and county court judgements against you when deciding if you are to be considered a fit and proper person.

How long does it take to qualify?

Allowing for waiting times for the tests, usually about 4 weeks per test. You should be able to pass the part 1 and part 2 and complete the minimum 40 hours of part 3 training in about 9 - 12 weeks. You will then have to decide if you are going to take a trainee licence or continue straight on to the part 3 test.

How is my training arranged?

You will arrange your training with your trainer on a week-to-week basis to fit around your current commitments and test dates. You will normally have approximately 6 hours training per week therefore the course should last approximately 10 weeks. Your training can be taken on weekdays, evenings or weekends.

Can I take the course intensively?

Yes, you can arrange your training to suit your commitments. We can arrange your 60 hours to be taken over as little as 2 weeks or up to six months or anything in between.

Do you run residential courses?

Yes, residential courses can be arranged over two 30 hour weeks with a break in between to allow you to take the part 2 test in your own area. Alternatively, you could book a part 2 test in the Newcastle or Gateshead area to coincide with the end of your first week of training. After passing part 2 you will return for a further week of training. You will receive 60 hours of training and the price is the same as our full course. You will be responsible for arranging your own accommodation but we can recommend a few hotels we have used in the past.

What are the fees for the 3 qualifying tests?

(The fees below are effective from 4 January 2011)

Part 1 - £   90.00
Part 2 - £ 111.00 
Part 3 - £ 111.00 
These fees are payable to the D.S.A.

Can I pay my course fees in instalments?

Yes you can pay in two instalments, the second instalment payable only when you have passed the part 2 test

Do I need to purchase any books or other training material?

Yes, you should purchase the DSA's recommended reading pack £100.00 and a set of training visual aids £55 both are available from ourselves.

Do you have a high pass rate?

Yes, only one person out of the last 35 full courses we have sold has failed the qualifying exam

What if I don?t need the full 20 hours of part 2 driving ability training?

Any part 2 training not used will be used for part 3 training. For example 12 hours for part 2 and 48 for part 3

What is a trainee licence?

You can apply for a trainee licence that will enable you to work as an instructor through a driving school to gain experience before taking the part 3 instructional ability test

Can anyone apply for a trainee licence?

You must have passed the theory and driving ability tests and have completed a minimum of 40 hours part 3 training to apply for a trainee licence.

Can I apply for a trainee licence through any driving school?

Driving schools must have a least one fully qualified instructor for every trainee instructor

How long does a trainee licence last?

The trainee licence lasts for up to six months or until you have passed the part 3 test, whichever comes first.

Will I be offered a position with your company when I pass?

Yes everyone who has taken our full course and passed the qualifying exam to become an A.D.I. will be offered a self employed position with Jowetts Driving School. Jowetts Driving School is one of the largest independent driving schools in the North East.

Do I have to work through Jowetts Driving School?

No, you are not contracted to work through Jowetts unless you want to. We will assist you in finding another driving school if you wish or offer advice on setting up your own driving school.